At first our Engineering Team collects requirement from client, analyzes the requirements, shares documentation and presentation and finalize the Requirement Specification with the Client.
Based on the Final Requirement Specification SuperbNexus Team plans that how many Manpower and how much Manhour will be spent to develop the specific Project. This would calculate the budget of the Project, on the top of which 20-50% additional profit would be charged from client depending on the complexity and uncertainty of the project. This is how Financial Proposal is developed.
Once the Technical and Financial Proposal is developed, SuperbNexus Team would reach the key stake holders of client-end and would share Presentation and Proposal Documentation, and thus the Proposal Submission step ends.
In the final step, if both parties agree, the Project is signed. The project is developed through different Phases and in each Phase a Demo Presentation is arranged. This way, through different phases the project ends.
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